Rebecca Hirst on how she helps women love the skin they’re in

I met Rebecca and we hit it off immediately.
Perhaps it was similar backgrounds in “BIG” jobs that we left to seek a different path. Perhaps it was our mutual quest to find a better path and way to treat ourselves better and inspire others to do the same.
Or perhaps it’s because she’s the real deal. She walks her walk as well as talks the talk and she’s a brilliant, inspirational and down to earth woman who enjoys bubbles as much as Kale.

Rebecca Hirst
Rebecca, please introduce yourself.
I’m Rebecca Hirst, the founder of Glorious Wellness. My mission is to help busy people to feel gloriously well so that they accomplish amazing things. This means helping them to get amazing energy, brilliant brain power, glowing skin and a happy healthy body.
But you haven’t always been a health coach, have you? In fact, you recently “outed” yourself very publicly about your past, didn’t you?
Yes! The amazing Veronica Pullen challenged me to write more ‘authentically’ on social media and it really pushed me to the edge of my comfort zone.
I’d built a really successful career in Marketing and Advertising and after 20 years was working in an amazing job surrounded by the brightest, bravest and brainiest people. I worked for Coca-Cola.
That always raises a few eyebrows.
The public perception of Coca-Cola is one thing, but as a brand and place to work it was amazing and it taught me so much. It also gave me a very personal insight into what my clients go through day after day – constantly travelling, being in hotels, room service dinners, eating at the desk, coffee pick me ups through the day – they’re so used to feeling at a 4 out of 10 and having been there I remember what that feels like!
“I believe in what I call ‘real world wellness’”
So as a health coach, you must have some fascinating insights given your job at Coca-Cola?
Absolutely – but I refuse to Coke-bash I firmly believe that excess sugar is detrimental to our health – anything over 5 teaspoons a day can negatively affect our health, be it in breakfast cereals, muesli bars, chocolate, cakes, biscuits or soft drinks. I want us to see sugar as an indulgent treat, to be consumed in small quantities now and again. The problem we have is that sugar is everywhere and as a society, we consume way too much. It’s hard to resist it when we’re surrounded by it and it’s hiding in things that are seemingly healthy
I don’t sign up to food being “good” or “bad” – but I do think that some foods are health promoting and some foods are simply indulgent foods. Indulgent foods are there to be enjoyed – but sensibly!

Making wellness fun
Rebecca, from Glorious Wellness
Your own health issues sparked an interest in health and nutrition, can you share what inspired you to change career?
I was diagnosed with adult acne in my final year of University – I was in my early 20’s and it was awful. My dermatologist put me on strong anti-acne medication that cleared up the spots but essentially robbed my body of moisture. I had blood-shot eyes, chapped lips and my nose would bleed. It was meant to rid me of the acne forever.
When I started work at Coca-Cola in my early 30’s the acne resurfaced. I went back on the medication which was really bad timing – can you imagine starting a new job and then explaining the random nose bleeds and blood-shot eyes?
I was referred to a nutritional therapist who helped me manage the side effects of the anti-acne drugs and also helped me to figure out that that I was allergic to cow’s milk and gluten. I fought long and hard about giving up my daily latte and toast but she was brilliant, practical and gave me really easy to follow steps. My skin cleared up slowly and I’ve never suffered from acne again. It was the first time I really connected how much our diet impacts our health and it changed my outlook forever.
So your own skin issues really propelled you in helping others learn to love the skin they’re in?
Yes, it was the gateway into a whole new world. The more I learnt, the more I realized that nutrition and wellness were such an important topic and there was so much work to do. I got totally fired up about helping others to get out of the cycle of feeling borderline crappy the whole time. I wanted to help them to feel gloriously well.
I now work with busy professional women – and some brave men – who are running on empty. They’re propped up with caffeine, sugar, carbs, wine and they don’t know how to break the cycle. They’ve forgotten how it feels to feel really well, to think really clearly, to not feel exhausted!
My clients aren’t going to ‘spiralise’ – it’s just not going to happen. They don’t have time but they’re also afraid of not doing it “right”. They feel guilty that they don’t have time to cook from scratch or get the latest superfood from Whole Foods. I help them see that there’s no one size fits all, that working with their body, their schedule, their lifestyle brings the best results. I believe in what I call ‘real world wellness’.
I love the way you structure your business about achieving an 8 out of 10 rather than aiming for 10 – tell us about that.
Look, I’m not a 10 out of 10 kind of girl. I like champagne (or cava!) at the weekend. I want to have a Kettle Chip (or 20) if I want.
I found myself running marathons in my 30’s but almost obsessively, I had a fear of getting fat that I quelled with exercise. Since quitting the hardcore exercise regime, I now do yoga, spend time with Oscar (a beautiful hairy horse!) and walk regularly – I’m fitter, leaner and happier than ever.
Unrealistic expectations are just a set-up for failure. I ban the word “Diet” from the work I do – in fact, my clients never have to diet again. I want them to establish a way of living that suits THEM, makes them glow from the inside out and helps them feel amazing.
I help them to listen to their bodies and not all the noise – in fact, one client moved house recently and told me the one thing she didn’t take was her scales – I was thrilled!
To stay connected with Rebecca and find out more about her, visit
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