An extraordinary life
starts with self care.
An extraordinary life
starts with self care.
I’m calling time on the
idea that you’re broken.
It’s bullshit.
But let’s be honest, magazines – and even many health and wellness professionals – sell diets, exercise plans, ‘get thin quick plans’ and tell you that’s wellness and happiness. It’s not.
They tell you that when you’re embarrassed, guilty, disgusted or simply exhausted enough – you’ll change. But that never worked before and it won’t work now.
You don’t need fixing. You just need some help to appreciate and
My mission is to empower women to love the skin they’re in
so that they finally start living a full and extraordinary life.

If your life looks great on paper
but feels crap in real life,
we need to talk.
I’m Mel, The
It starts with embracing your uniqueness, respecting your body and creating a sense of balance so you can thrive.
I can help you enjoy the success you’ve strived so hard to achieve without having to sacrifice your soul to find it.
Self care programmes,
that work for you.
A trek to Machu Picchu literally changed my life.
Which is why I run a week long retreat in magical Peru coaching a small group of women to reconnect with themselves, their body and their strength.
8 self care tips I’d give a new mum (from a new mum!)
Practising and preaching self care is a lifelong mission and quest. Since becoming a mum these 8 lessons have been invaluable (spoiler alert) and sometimes painful!
Why Self Care Isn’t All About You
Self Care is good for us, good for those we love, and good for society, and it’s all interconnected. Guest blog by Kate Collier from SelfCarePsychology.
Love the Skin You’re In: Angela Harkness
I love inspirational women who teach others how to love the skin they’re in. Angela Harkness inspires women to grab life by the horns and live it.
8 self care tips I’d give a new mum (from a new mum!)
Practising and preaching self care is a lifelong mission and quest. Since becoming a mum these 8 lessons have been invaluable (spoiler alert) and sometimes painful!
Why Self Care Isn’t All About You
Self Care is good for us, good for those we love, and good for society, and it’s all interconnected. Guest blog by Kate Collier from SelfCarePsychology.