Thoughts & words
inspired by life.
8 self care tips I’d give a new mum (from a new mum!)
Practising and preaching self care is a lifelong mission and quest. Since becoming a mum these 8 lessons have been invaluable (spoiler alert) and sometimes painful!
Why Self Care Isn’t All About You
Self Care is good for us, good for those we love, and good for society, and it’s all interconnected. Guest blog by Kate Collier from SelfCarePsychology.
Love the Skin You’re In: Angela Harkness
I love inspirational women who teach others how to love the skin they’re in. Angela Harkness inspires women to grab life by the horns and live it.
Letting go of perfect
So many of us push ourselves in multiple ways to be perfect but what would life be like if you let go of perfect and embraced life as is?
7 things I stopped doing that changed my self care
‘Not to do’ lists are just as important as ‘to do’ lists. Here I share the 7 things I stopped that revolutionised my self care.
Self Love for Valentines Day
It is the season of love. Whilst Valentines focuses on romantic love I think it’s the perfect opportunity to focus on the most important love – self love.
The art of letting go – a fresh start to new year resolutions
A short, sharp and compelling article description – containing the keyword – that intrigues the reader and makes them want to follow your link to read more.
7 simple self care tips to reignite the magic of Christmas
Christmas can be hectic, demanding and downright stressful. Here are 7 simple and easy self-care tips to help reignite the magic of Christmas.
Love the Skin You’re In: Carol Hanson
It takes someone truly remarkable to turn their suffering into a service. Meet the inspirational woman that is Carol Hanson.
4 powerful and easy stress reducing tips
Stress. It’s a word we’re really familiar with and use on an almost daily basis. But stress is more detrimental to your health than you realise and learning to tame it can be a game changer for your health.
Love the Skin You’re In: Jackie Wren
Meet Jackie Wren a sought after personal trainer and amazing woman who teaches people to be happy and healthy – read her inspiring story here.
Is your story a fairytale or nightmare?
Every story we create begins with a decision on how to perceive the experience we’re having. So, is your story a fairytale or nightmare?
Mental Health: Don’t tell them to “just eat”
Why Mental Health is often more subtle than you think and why you should never tell someone with an Eating Disorder to just eat.
Love the Skin You’re In: Lynn Hord
Meet Lynn Hord, The Joy Coach and founder of Joy School. She helps people love the skin they’re in by accessing their joy – read her story here.
Before you say yes
We’re taught from a young age that saying yes is better than to say no. It’s easier to say “yes” than “no”. But, before you do, consider these things.
The transformation of a journey
It is the very essence of our being to want to grow and transform. We long to reach the destination but is there more to learn from the journey?
Stop punishing yourself and start nourishing yourself
There are endless ways you punish yourself, but the behaviours seem normal. Isn’t it perhaps time for you to nourish yourself?
What Zestember can do for you!
Zestember is an annual 30 day health challenge for September, inspiring you to invest a little bit of time every day to get healthy or healthier.
Living in the moment
Wishing away your days and hoping for the next big thing? What would it take to live in the moment?
It takes longer than you think
Why is it when it comes to our health and body and dreams we demand instant success? Why don’t we value the journey? It takes longer than you think.
Yes. You are ready.
I’m not ready. You know, I’m not quite there. A few more days. A few more pounds. Let me just tidy a bit. I’m. Just. Not. Ready. But here it is – you are!
13 Life lessons from (over) 13 years of travel
Travel is one of the few things in life you spend money on and it makes you richer. But why is that? I share insights learnt from over 13 years of travel.
You need to stop judging yourself on a number
I am often amazed how women allow different numbers define them and specifically, how a number on the scales can influence how they feel about themselves.
Are you already suffering what you fear?
What is it that really scares you? What is the thing you fear above all else?
Is it Fear of change? Fear of being alone? Fear of being laughed at? Fear of failure? Fear of losing control? So many of us are SO afraid of what might be that we never move forward.
Love the skin you’re in: Rebecca Hirst
I met Rebecca and we hit it off immediately. She walks her walk as well as talks the talk and she’s a brilliant, inspirational and down to earth woman who enjoys bubbles as much as Kale.
I am woman – an ode to women
An original poem to honour women. An ode to women to honour those before me and blaze a trail for those that follow. I am woman.
How to get “beach body ready” in 4 easy steps
Every year when the sun comes out, it starts. Ladies, we’re bombarded by messages telling us to get “beach body ready”. Here’s the thing you already are!
What if …?
We have two words in the English language that are the most misunderstood – they’re either your biggest springboard or your prison “what if …”
Why you need to forgive yourself
Forgiveness. It’s a word we hear a lot. “I’m sorry” is muttered at almost every indiscretion – But what does it really mean to forgive yourself?
It doesn’t always start pretty
My first trip was inter-railing around Europe but it didn’t start pretty. 15 years later and with over 50 countries visited, I owe it all to my first trip.
Claudia Fallah on how she helps women love the skin they’re in
Claudia Fallah is London’s best-kept secret. She’s an exceptional skin care specialist and has been helping men, women, and children for over 25 years love the skin they’re in.
I’m not that size anymore – a metaphor for life
I know I’m not alone in standing in a changing room on the brink of an utter meltdown. I know you’ve been there too. When your size changes everything.
Is it really possible to love your body?
Looking in the mirror and feeling disgusted, ashamed, uncomfortable. Pulling, prodding, sucking in – hoping that in a certain light or angle maybe just for a moment you’ll like what you see or somehow, magically, your body will morph into something else.
You are enough
It’s hard being a woman today. We’re meant to look like a supermodel, have a high flying career, be a cook, lover, cleaner, confidant, daughter, mother and friend and never break a nail. Even Superwoman would struggle!
My perfect life
I have a confession to make… My life isn’t perfect. There, I said it. Out loud. On the internet. I mean the whole world could see that I’ve outed myself!
The biscuit or the potion?
When I think of Alice in Wonderland I think of the little girl that drank the potion and shrank. Many of us it seems, drink a potion early in life that makes us somehow believe we are meant to be small and fit through the small door in life.
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