8 self care tips I’d give a new mum (from a new mum!)
Practising and preaching self care is a lifelong mission and quest. Since becoming a mum these 8 lessons have been invaluable (spoiler alert) and sometimes painful!
Why Self Care Isn’t All About You
Self Care is good for us, good for those we love, and good for society, and it’s all interconnected. Guest blog by Kate Collier from SelfCarePsychology.
Letting go of perfect
So many of us push ourselves in multiple ways to be perfect but what would life be like if you let go of perfect and embraced life as is?
7 things I stopped doing that changed my self care
‘Not to do’ lists are just as important as ‘to do’ lists. Here I share the 7 things I stopped that revolutionised my self care.
Self Love for Valentines Day
It is the season of love. Whilst Valentines focuses on romantic love I think it’s the perfect opportunity to focus on the most important love – self love.
7 simple self care tips to reignite the magic of Christmas
Christmas can be hectic, demanding and downright stressful. Here are 7 simple and easy self-care tips to help reignite the magic of Christmas.
4 powerful and easy stress reducing tips
Stress. It’s a word we’re really familiar with and use on an almost daily basis. But stress is more detrimental to your health than you realise and learning to tame it can be a game changer for your health.
The transformation of a journey
It is the very essence of our being to want to grow and transform. We long to reach the destination but is there more to learn from the journey?
What Zestember can do for you!
Zestember is an annual 30 day health challenge for September, inspiring you to invest a little bit of time every day to get healthy or healthier.
Living in the moment
Wishing away your days and hoping for the next big thing? What would it take to live in the moment?
13 Life lessons from (over) 13 years of travel
Travel is one of the few things in life you spend money on and it makes you richer. But why is that? I share insights learnt from over 13 years of travel.
It doesn’t always start pretty
My first trip was inter-railing around Europe but it didn’t start pretty. 15 years later and with over 50 countries visited, I owe it all to my first trip.
I’m not that size anymore – a metaphor for life
I know I’m not alone in standing in a changing room on the brink of an utter meltdown. I know you’ve been there too. When your size changes everything.
The biscuit or the potion?
When I think of Alice in Wonderland I think of the little girl that drank the potion and shrank. Many of us it seems, drink a potion early in life that makes us somehow believe we are meant to be small and fit through the small door in life.
My perfect life
I have a confession to make… My life isn’t perfect. There, I said it. Out loud. On the internet. I mean the whole world could see that I’ve outed myself!
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