Before you say yes

Before you say yes

We’re taught from a young age that saying yes is better than to say no. It’s easier to say “yes” than “no”. But, before you do, consider these things.

It takes longer than you think

It takes longer than you think

Why is it when it comes to our health and body and dreams we demand instant success? Why don’t we value the journey? It takes longer than you think.

Yes.  You are ready.

Yes. You are ready.

I’m not ready. You know, I’m not quite there. A few more days. A few more pounds. Let me just tidy a bit. I’m. Just. Not. Ready. But here it is – you are!

Are you already suffering what you fear?

Are you already suffering what you fear?

What is it that really scares you? What is the thing you fear above all else?

Is it Fear of change? Fear of being alone? Fear of being laughed at? Fear of failure? Fear of losing control? So many of us are SO afraid of what might be that we never move forward.

What if …?

What if …?

We have two words in the English language that are the most misunderstood – they’re either your biggest springboard or your prison “what if …”

Why you need to forgive yourself

Why you need to forgive yourself

Forgiveness. It’s a word we hear a lot. “I’m sorry” is muttered at almost every indiscretion – But what does it really mean to forgive yourself?

You are enough

You are enough

It’s hard being a woman today. We’re meant to look like a supermodel, have a high flying career, be a cook, lover, cleaner, confidant, daughter, mother and friend and never break a nail. Even Superwoman would struggle!

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